Journal 2:- A Beginning!!
And, for all the distractions that I possess, I am eligible
to say this that it has taken me nowhere. I consider myself a high unsuccessful
being in worldly achievements, and a baggage full of information in bits and
pieces. I have never been able to understand why I am so distracted that
everything and everyone around me has this power to influence me.
You tube and youtubers , Instagram, social media, videos,
people full of successful career with power and money in their bank accounts,
instant gratification - you name the instruments of influencers and there won’t
be a box without a tick mark from my side. And on top of all this, my own
chattering mind, imagining all sort of things which just comes out of nowhere.
A perfect example of slavery.
Why am I referring to it as slavery is just because of a
situation that has emerged right now. I was imagining how our seniors always
want to listen to good things and can’t bear to criticisms and in spite of an
urge to speak fearlessly the inner self, ultimate words uttered from the mouth
would be just according to what they want to listen. I consider this as
slavery, definitely an external slavery.
But the harsh reality is, even if I distance myself from all
the external factors that induces slavery in me, such as- jobs, gossips of mine
by my own self, about me being jobless, single, no future; I am still a slave.
A slave of my tendencies.
Tendencies that would sleep for an entire day to avoid
Tendencies that know the right path but still fall back when
it comes to implementation.
Tendencies that are frustrated within, and know the
solutions, but won’t apply them.
Tendencies that have beautifully evolved as an art in me of
constant comparison of my own self with the others.
And these tendencies are just so endless in number.
And to free myself from this slavery, I turn towards
philosophy. I am sure, philosophy would have an answer about whereabouts of
these human tendencies, but I am afraid, even if I find out the answer, would I
be able to fight them with the right weapons. That’s the point of concern.
Keeping aside all of this, I am thinking to put all this in
this blog, which has the sole purpose of journalling my philosophical
Because, you know, apart from all the distractions I
possess, this method of journalling and writing has the power to calm me down!!
Now, I wonder, whether I should consider myself a slave of
this power as well??
Even if it is, I would enjoy the art of sharing a piece of
writing for the time being!!
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