Journal:-1!! Why I want everything in this life??

 A short poem-

I wonder,
Why do I feel lost?
Why am I  distracted and
keep running behind random goals?
Why am I  never content and satisfied?
Why am I  incomplete?
Why I want everything and be infinite?


Wisdom literature says,
The answer to all,
Lies in search of self within
And nowhere, infinite lies outside.
If the light has to come,
It can only shine inside.


It sounds abstract to me,
What do I search within?
Within, I find a wheel of thoughts,
Slaving me for hours in its cog.
I keep on rotating and revolving,
Just like the cog,
With no beginning or end in sight.


Just a random day,
I take a pause then,
And ask these thoughts
 of their whereabouts
Who are you? 
And where are you coming from?
What do you want ? 
And what you will do,
 if I follow on your designed path?

Initially, they hesitate and stammer
But only then, 
when, I see their origin
And ask- 
is it worthwhile to linger on?
They fade away and vanish
Just like the smoke 
disappearing in the air.
I held my legs 
not to blindly run 
behind the world that seems 
so cheerful and full of life,
And, I understand,
Not everything outside, 
is the source of
Fulfilment to this incomplete life!!


Well!!- the question is still there
And the search is still there…..

Do you also search for infinite inside?? Designed by author in canva


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