Poetry1:- Love is magical!!

Love is magical!!

Love is magical…

Is it?
I wonder!!

The darkness & this innocent little
twinkling star,
He twinkles at the sight of rose buds
planted on the ground.
And the rose buds tremble with shyness
Blushing deeply within its closed petals
She fancies to reach the sky and paint
The star in her own color
Only to bathe herself in the starlight.

No matter, how far off from each other,
The wind delivers their love letters
And here, comes the moment of the night
The star shimmers & the bud shivers
Wishing her Good night,
Guiding her sleep
Gleaming brightly in the night sky
Waiting patiently for morning to rise

The sparrow chirrups and the night disappears
The soothing wind and the rose bud blinks
Blinks after a deep tranquillizing sleep
She blooms!!
She blooms for her love
Unfolding her closed petals
Slowly , and then all at once
Only to spread her fragrance to
Her beloved star,
Hiding in the morning blue sky.

She paints him with her scarlet red color
Cools him with her soft petals
And the magic begins…
The soothing zephyr, the gleeing leaves
The waving branches, the flapping wings
Koel koo — oos, & all the birds sing
Pigeons diving in the water pot together
Only to celebrate the story of rose & star

The music is in the wind
Only close your eyes and feel!!

Love is magical…
Is it?
I wonder!!


A wandering mind.
& a fanciful heart!!

Note- The poetry is also published in author's medium profile.


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