Generated from Leonardo AI
This morning, the sun lighted up, with intense joy
Its rays giving energy,
to a flock of birds doing their riyaaz,
Singing & chirping unanimously
Sitting on the branches, shaded by leaves.
My eyes fixed on the tree, with a heart longing
To witness those little chirping birds.
Moments later, they give rest to their throat
In a hurry, come out together and fly in the garden
My eyes blink & face kindles
To discover a new species of a bird
Having a pink belly & breast with a brown cover.
This sheemal tree at the centre of the ground With its long, high headed branches with several twist & turn Looks like water ride in an adventure island Where the squirrel taking a joyful ride in its Sloping branches, twisting with the turns and jumping from branches to branches playing whistles , expressing her exhilaration Creatively carving the woods to build her bed where She rests like a queen in her own wooden palace
Today, the sky is bathing with the freedom of diverse species of birds, pigeons, kites, sparrows, mynas- all simply enjoying their morning exercise of flying in the wind of spring. The spring comes up with its own surprises. When a butterfly comes flickering, marks her presence For a moment and flies away.
The red ants crawling silently in a queue Spending her day in work I wonder about the beauty of her steps The silence with which she walks on earth Being so sensitive to the noises we make.
There are two special pigeons The bond that they share with each other, This togetherness of theirs Sitting together, flying together Eating together, drinking together Leisurely watching the surrounding together. They indeed are lovers!! The other day, he was teasing her with his beak Only to get her attention.
Everything has gone in silence now The distant sound, sounds far away alive a little earlier, Now fading slowly & steadily And with it, the sounds of my mind Comes to rest for a while!! |
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