The Lorax by Dr. Seuss!


Beautifully crafted with colourful pictures with a strong message to all of us of the danger that industrialism and consumerism pose today on the planet.

You will be amazed to find that this book was published in 1971 and how, this stands true today. As if, Dr. Seuss knew the future at that time only. The word "ThNeeds" used in the book is so apt. Everywhere we are surrounded with so called ThNeeds, at the cost of what? At the cost of this planet .

Well! We all can witness climate catastrophe and there is no denial to it.

The lorax is a character representing environment, speaking for the tree, against the evil acts of Once-ler, an industrialist who can think of nothing but profits. Lorax gives a powerful message to all of us –

“UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

This is something, and this will definitely hit you harder, if you can see, how these top 1-2% industrialists with around 50% of wealth concentration has transformed this Earth as a place of blind consumerism, and they are smart enough to fool all the common people that everything is alright and enjoy as long as you live, because you are born to enjoy this material world. Nonsense.

I wish, I could hit Elon musk and people like him harder and tell them that you are the one responsible for emitting awfully significant amount of carbon, and it is us who have to pay the price.

But, I care and I would make all the efforts to spread this message that don’t idealise or dream of becoming Elon Musk because they ultimately foster consumerism- producing kids in their factory and emitting thousands of tonnes of carbon/kid.

Just a factual evidence of-  producing one kid and carbon emission.

And, the best irony is, we come up with policies to plant tree on our birthday, and designating a day as Earth Day and attracting all sort of publicity, spreading false messages. As, if planting a sapling and cutting years and years older  Amazon forests and others would solve this climate catastrophe.

Anyways- There is a solution even now-

STOP THIS BLIND CONSUMERISM. JUST PUT A STOP TO IT. Earth is not something to consume.

Stop exploiting animals for their products to satisfy your tongue. Life is little more satisfying and lovely in being vegan rather than exploiting cattle and animals for taste of tongue.

Don’t idealise these influencers, super rich people who are destroying this planet from their over possessed lifestyle and fooling the common man out there.

Only if , we can understand that any effort to save earth, is not to save earth but saving ourself, because we and earth are no different.!!

Grab your copy here!!


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