Journal 5:- Animal Farm- It's time to Rebel!!

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I understand that Animal farm is a political satire on Stalin and it’s best to read this novel keeping the background of Russian Revolution in mind. 

But..but..but - reading its first chapter and the speech of Old Major wise pig wanted me to talk about things apart from Russian revolution. 

Things pertaining to industrialization, animal cruelty prevailing right now in the world out there.

Just a brief summary of Chapter 1- Animal Farm-

Chapter 1 displays the inhumane and miserable condition of animals, who are led to suffer throughout their life to meet the selfish needs of humans till their very last breathe. Even after they are dead, they are slaughtered and consumed.

The land, the world is a place of consumption and there is no place of decency & happiness.

And this situation of misery is simply unacceptable to old pig and he wants all the animals to rebel against Man as Man is the only creature consuming without producing milk, eggs, ploughing but strong enough to rule all other creatures.

I am repeating, please keep aside Russian Revolution for a moment, reason being, it would be easier to see that the animal cruelty present here, is the present scenario of industry which is  based on exploitation of animals . 

Who will deny the fact that animals have just become a dust of consumption and nothing else. Humans in their race of blind consumerism are turning out to be worse than animals in terms of greed and exploitation.

The chapter emphasizes the exploitation of cows for their milk for humans and not for their calves , and other animals for their skin, flesh and labor.

The problem is our eyes can see the fresh packets of milk, clean packed items of meat and beef; but never are we able to see the pain and the whole exploitation that cattle goes through in their life in form of insemination let it be artificial or natural, in form of injection of oxytocin and drugs, in form of slaughter, and so many things.

Why? because they don’t have a voice of their own and hence, considered as dependent and inferior by so called civilized & developed society of humans??

Its an endless thing in itself, the whole industry, the whole exploited theory of economics in itself, supported by so called powers of current society.

White revolution, blue revolution, red revolution- and so many colorful revolutions, shining at the cost of pain and suffering and exploitation of animals all alone.

Hens ovulating every day. Every day- giving an egg. Ever imagined, the pain a woman in her life had to go, if she had to ovulate that is to go through menstrual cycle every day- 365 days a year. 4–5 days in a month has altogether different effect on her system, how about 30 days a month, but then, we have made to breed hens every day by our nonsense method of breeding. Why? Because she can’t raise her voice for herself? Is that the reason that we as humans are exploiting them.

And its not just hens and cattle- we have not spared even a single animal. In India, pilgrimage (teerth yaatra) comes at the cost of horses, donkeys being overloaded with human weight. Its ironical to see that humans can’t even lift their own body weight and to drag that weight, they again need animals. And, they get the satisfaction of meeting their idea of God by visiting to pilgrims (teerth).

And all the animals’ destiny remain in the hands of Man.

I recently visited a government office- poultry department to discuss about these issues to the employees there, but i was shocked to find out that they openly accept that animals are meant for human consumption, their life is inferior to humans and they can be used the way humans want. 

Every time, i think of cattle exploitation for their milk- i get the flash back of that employee laughing and confidently mentioning that cows life can be taken away and there is no harm to it. 

Animal Farm in the first chapter presents Willingdon — Old major pig’s voice for all the sufferings of animals, wanting deeply to be free from human exploitation.

Had animals have their own voice, they would have definitely wanted a life away from humans. Yeah!! Just think of it.

This whole dairy and meat industry together responsible for the huge carbon emission, leading to climate catastrophe today.

And not just this- Old Major’s speech represents all the people who are in the lowest pyramid and only exploited by the capitalist to serve their greed for money and power. The Man representative of industrialists and capitalists.

I am sure, we all would have observed this. A rickshaw puller, a daily wage worker, might not have work, but definitely would have a mobile phone with internet to entertain himself, without bothering about the stomach. And the videos on their phone would be pertaining to some cheap form of entertainment that can keep them occupied. The whole trap of industrialization — only to crush the blood of rebellion in the common man.

I am not against the invention of technology, technology in itself is a source of empowerment, but I am against the ideas that these technologies promote. Instead of technology , becoming the source of easing a man’s life for higher attainments, it is only promoting blind consumerism and slavery.

And this old, wise pig is the voice against these false evils prevailing in the society.

So, what’s the solution?


Rebel against the evils prevailing in our everyday lives.

Boycott meat and dairy industry.

Boycott the life that these industrialists and capitalists promote. Boycott consumerism.

Question just like the Major Old White Barn- “Comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours?”

And, in search of your answer, you will realize that life is not about exploitation and slavery rather attaining ones highest form!!

We do have rich Indian Philosophy of Vedanta & Upanishad to introduce ourselves to our true Self. Why not, technology is being used for our betterment rather than a means of slavery?

As Willingdon- Old major says-
Educate Yourself rightly and spread awareness as much as possible.!!

“Pass on the “Rebellion” message of mine to those who come after you, so that future generations shall carry on the struggle until it is victorious with sheer determination.””


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