The Room on the Roof- Ruskin Bond !! A Journey with Rusty!!
room-on-the-roof-ruskin-bond Over the past few months, I have not been reading and writing properly. When I say properly, I actually mean my diet of reading, that fills me. That heals the noise within me. And the consequence has turned out to be, of course, not so good. Binge watching has actually slaved me. Okay- enough of complaints. At the back of my mind, I hate complaining but somehow that’s how my ego - little self is, complaining, this is what it does. binge-watching So, I decided today that I am going to sit back, turn my phone off, and read something light, something light and fulfilling. And guess what? Like always, I go back to Ruskin Bond. Ruskin Bond’s first novel- The Room on the Roof. the-room-on-the-roof-ruskin-bond As Ruskin Bond says- its a novel about adolescence by an adolescence, longing for love and family, written out of loneliness. Well! I don’t know my reason to reach out to this novel because i am no longer an adolescent, and i am far far away...