
Showing posts from May, 2024

Reading 17:-Roads to Mussoorie:- Ruskin Bond- A Review!!

Roads to Mussoorie! Ruskin Bond is my all time favorite since ages now and Roads to Mussoorie is no exception filled with the heart warming, comical, poetic short stories of days cherished in Mussoorie & nearby places by Bond. Beginning with a funny poem followed by a backward instead of foreward, as it is a collection of Bond’s reminiscences in Landour, Mussoorie and ending the book with forward as a sign to keep moving forward, no matter what. No doubt, with his stories, Ruskin Bond rules one’s heart, always alive in his readers’ heart, as there is a thing about stories- they never die, always travelling one way or other from story tellers to curious listeners. If i may ask you… you had your breakfast today, right? Was it just to full your stomach & rush to office or it was chewed with saliva of love & emotions? And also with sprinkles of laughter? Remember having a party time with those awkward & clumsy friends who always can be a pain but then, they are the ones alw...

Poetry 3:- Full Moon Flirtations-

You glow once in a month Lighting up the night sky with golden light The glittering stars & the scattered clouds Your gleaming eyes blooming in my eyes Lying on the ground, I close my eyes Only to rest my wandering mind In your silent and soothing moonlight. You soak the darkness with shine And the zephyr with serenity You soak the flowers with fragrance And the night queen jasmine with purity. What a sight, that catches my eyes The moving clouds pass over you Hiding you in its veils As if, it’s the only night for These clouds to hug you in its arms lovingly. Oh! How exquisite you look Surrounded by these clouds The deeper the night falls The brighter your look. You brighten me and my smile And I know, you savor these flirtings of mine May be, you will fall in love with me, one day too Until then, I will wait for you, Forever, every month, for this one full moon night Wherein you shine in your moon light!! Leonardo AI Note- the post is also published in author's medium page.

Poetry 2:- Birds playing hide & seek

canva   Early morning, cool breeze, Scattered grey clouds- And tiny little drizzles. A call to drive in the wild Among the woods, In the lap of Nature. To deep dive in the World of birds playing Hide & seek. Greyish brown, puffed with feathers, Screeching from a branch of gulmohar tree, As if counting one to ten, Asking her mates to hide by then. Birds’ nests lie at mysterious places Woodpecker hiding high up in the hole Crafted in the coconut tree. And the brown bird-  under the dense wild, in a corner of coconut tree. The little black cuckoo, Flying in confusion, So, she follows behind  the squirrel running over the wire Trying to reach the gulmohar tree. The colorful green parrot takes A quick trip of the garden, Finding her hiding home under the plant Blossoming with marigold flowers. The innocent little seeker bird, Starts swinging over the branch Of a guava tree Trying hard to find her companion birds Hopping from tree to tree. Searching her companion birds Scre...

Reading 16:- काबुलीवाला ~ Bioscopewaala !! समीक्षा -Review!!

  टैगोर और उनकी कहानियाँ - चाहे उन्हें कितनी ही बार पढ़ें , हमेशा नई और एकदम ताज़ा सी लगती है। " काबुलीवाला " ये कहानी शायद बरसों पहले पढ़ी होगी और शायद , हम सब ने बचपन में पढ़ी हो , पर आज भी इसे पढ़ो , तो अपने ही सादगी में जैसे रंग देती है | सादगी के साथ ये कहानी - अधूरापन , दर्द और अकेलेपन का एहसास भी करा जाती है।     सादगी , जो एक नन्ही सी बच्ची की खिलखिलाहट में है।   जो उसकी पुकार में है , जब वह भागती हुई आवाज लगाती है -" काबुलीवाले , ओ - काबुलीवाले ” ! अपने गाँव और अपनों से बिछरने का दर्द , वो दर्द जो    दूर परदेस से आए हुए राही में होती है   ,  जो अपने घर से दूर , अपनी रोज़ी - रोटी की तलाश में आया है , और एक कागज़ के पन्ने में अपनी नन्ही बिटिया की यादों को समेटे हुआ है।   वो यादें , जो उस राही को कई मुश्किलों के बाद भी जीने का हौसला देती है। वो अंजान राही , जो " काबुलीवाले , ओ काबुलीवाले " की पुक...