Reading 18:-Mrityunjaya :- A Review!!

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Okay, about this book Mrityunjaya :- it took me a while , just to figure out, how to start its review,  because sometimes, there are so many things involved with so many characters- that you get confused on how to start only. And so, am I.

    Reason being, on a book like Mrityunjaya , i want to jot down everything that i experienced during the reading journey that talks about the epic Mahabharata.

    It portrays one of my dearest character of Mahabharata- "Karna" & somewhere, I know, that if i try to write a review of this book, covering all aspects- i would end up writing solely about Karna, in spite of the fact, that this book, apart from Karna, portrays about Kunti, Duryodhana, Vrishali, Shon and Sri Krishna too. 

    Anyways, the thing is, the narrative style will not let you put down this book until you reach the end of it, irrespective of the size of the book. A direct conversation with the inner and outer world of the characters is taking place throughout the narrative, and one is simply transported to the Mahabharata era altogether.
    No matter, how many times, I read Mrityunjaya – I never get tired of reading it, why?

Sole Reason being- Karna.

Karna is just so close to my heart.

Everything about him is ……... (I think, I am always short of an apt word). Only a person, who has read about Karna, could understand, how Karna and his life, is beyond any word. 

No word can be there to define karna and his life.

Who is karna?

Well- the same question, karna has been asking himself all his life- “Who Am I”?

Son of  a Charioteer? Son of Radha mata? or

Son of Sun God and Mother Kunti?

And, his life turned out to be such that when towards the end, he came to know, about his real identity being Son of Sun God, all mysteries and events start making sense to him.

But then, it was too late. Inspite of the fact, that he is an elder brother to all the Pandavas, he won’t take a step back and with unparalled devotion- he fought like fire and died with dignity.

Mrityunjaya is a blend of poetic beauty and story telling.

Not that, it talks about the characters of Mahabharata namely, karna, Kunti, Vrishali, Duryodhana, Shon and Sri Krishna; but the way, it portraits Natural beauty in it- is something, that will induce admiration for Nature within oneself.

Serenity of Ganga mata, playing and chanting of birds, animals, trees, night, sky, dawn, Sun God- their poetic and natural portrayal have been the ultimate source of joy while reading this book.

No wonder, there is a beauty when the sun rises at dawn
There is a joy, when squirrels and birds around you whistle and chant.
There is a soft touch when the wind whirls
A coolness when sitting on the banks of river, some water washes away your feet.
A smile on your face, when a bud opens up its petals,
and only one who witnesses it, knows that beauty, but reading Mrityunjaya will take you little closer to this beauty of Nature, 
and I guarantee, you will fall in love with nature, and that’s not nothing!!

The book also talks  life philosophy via the character Asvatthaman, to which, I don’t completely agree.

His point of view wrt atman residing in the body- doesn’t sync with the Vedanta teachings wherein atman has no form itself.

However, that doesn't alter the joy of reading this book, because epics are written based on smriti and we can always ignore the philosophical aspect and move on to teachings of Upanishads.

The point is go and read this book- atleast once, before you die!!

Also, read following detailed writeups based on reading Mrityunjaya here-

Mrityunjaya :- कृष्ण से एक सवाल !!

Mrityunjaya:- Where is real Kunti?

Mrityunjaya:- A lovely bond!!~ Karna andAshvatthaman

Mrityunjaya- Revenge- Can it be a solution todeep hidden scars?

Mrityunjaya- If only, I could meet Sri Krishna once and ask him?



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